Josette Urso: Unexpected
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Painter, New Your Artist, Tampa Artist, MuseumJenny CareySightlines.orgJosette Urso, Contemporary Artist, Paintings, Spain, Oehme Grahpics, New York City Artist, New York Art, Most Popular
Sunday Survey of Alex Katz: Black and White
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Museum, Painter, PrintmakerJenny CareySightlines.orgAlex Katz, Tampa Museum of Art, Contemporary Artist, international artist, Colorist, Skowhegan School, Barney's, Art Production Fund, New York Art
Rest in Peace James Rosenquist
Remembering Theo Wujcik: "He was the whole damn package."
Artist Profile, Tampa Artist, Painter, Printmaker, Fine ArtJenny CareySightlines.orgTheo Wujcik Compendium, Theo Wujcik, David Frye, Fryeworks, international artist, Contemporary Artist, University of South Florida, Tampa artist, James Rosenquist, Robert Rauschenberg, Phillip Pearlstein, Alders, Florida, Florida Artist
Stephen Knapp: Light Paintings
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Photography, Public Art, MuseumJenny CareyStephen Knapp, Maitland Art Center, Maitland Art and History Museums, Light Paintings, Tampa Public Art, Photography,, Jenny Carey, dichroic glass, Dan L Hess, Lights on Tampa, City of Tampa Public Art, Editor Picks
Q & A: Debra Howell, "Adaptations"
Alan LeQuire: Woman on the Ballot - Wear Yellow Roses
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Nashville Artist, Sculpture, Public ArtJenny CareySightlines.orgNashville Art, Alan LeQuire, Tennessee Woman Sufferage, Tennessee, Sculpture, War of the Roses, Jenny Carey, Nashville
Janet Echelman, Early Paintings
Josephine Sacabo: Lessons From The Shadows
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Photography, On The RoadJenny CareySightlines.orgjosephine sacabo, new orleans, new orleans artists, polk museum of art, Photography, clarice spector, silver gelatin prints, photoolymer gravures
Herb Williams: The Subtext of Crayons
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Nashville Artist, SculptureJenny CareyHerb Williams, Crayola, Nashville Art, Jeremy Adams, The Call of the Wild, Rymer Gallery, Rare Gallery, Chelsea, Ft. Pierce, A.E. Backus Museum and Gallery, Editor Picks, Nashville
Theo Wujcik: A Giant
growing up in neverland
Cuban art, Fine Art, TampaJenny Careysightlines.orgScarfone/Hartley Gallery, Tampa Museum of Art, The Cuban Arts Group, Ernesto Leal, Esterio Segura, Javier Castro, Jose A Vincench, Lazaro Saavedra, Pedro Pablo Oliva, Sandra Ramos, The Merger, growing up in neverland,, Cuba
Jaume Plensa: Please be careful when walking through this artwork...
It All Started With A Dance
Artist Profile, Tampa, Fine ArtJenny CareySightlines.orgKim Radatz, Moving Current, Creative Refired, HCC Ybor Art Gallery, Gasparilla Festival of the Arts, Tampa artist, Tampa arts, Cynthia Hennessy, Florida Artist
"Peace for Paris"
Road Trip: Maitland Art & History Museums
Fine Art, On The RoadJenny CareyDan L Hess, Marydorsey Walless, Elysia Mann, Maitland, Road Trip, Maitland Art Center, Maitland Art and History Museums, Gum Bichromate, Florida, Florida Artist
Nashville - It's Not Just Music...
Museum, Fine Art, On The RoadJenny CareySightlines.orgNashville Art, Rymer Gallery, Tinney Contemporary, Lyle Cabajal, Daryl Thetford, Jorge Yances, The Arts Company, Charles Keiger, John Petrey, Jaume Plensa, The Frist Cente for the Visual Arts, Ryman Theater, Nashville
Celebrating Artist Labor
Theo Wujcik: Studio Visit with Susan Johnson
Fine Art, Artist ProfileJenny CareySightlines.orgTheo Wujcik, Jim Rosenquist, Ybor City, Whitney, Costin Graphics, John Costin, Theo Wujcik Compendium, Robert Rauschenberg, Susan Johnson, Most Popular, Florida Artist
Whitney In Sight