Josette Urso: Unexpected
Artist Profile, Fine Art, Painter, New Your Artist, Tampa Artist, MuseumJenny CareySightlines.orgJosette Urso, Contemporary Artist, Paintings, Spain, Oehme Grahpics, New York City Artist, New York Art, Most Popular
Remembering Theo Wujcik: "He was the whole damn package."
Artist Profile, Tampa Artist, Painter, Printmaker, Fine ArtJenny CareySightlines.orgTheo Wujcik Compendium, Theo Wujcik, David Frye, Fryeworks, international artist, Contemporary Artist, University of South Florida, Tampa artist, James Rosenquist, Robert Rauschenberg, Phillip Pearlstein, Alders, Florida, Florida Artist
Janet Echelman, Early Paintings
Theo Wujcik: A Giant